Thursday, December 22, 2005

Eating Slowly

We had witnessed competitions, seeing how people gobbled down huge quantity of food in the shortest time possible. It's harmful.

As the festive season is drawing near, people tend to over-eat. And there are people out there worrying about their figure, as they know full well they wouldn't be able to resist the good food.

It can be so irresistable.

I would say, what the heck, just eat! But... please watch how you eat.

It has come to my attention that many French foods are richer in "oil and fats", I think. However, French seems to have their health / figure more well-maintained, compared to American or British. What's their "secret"?

Just by eating slowly, I was told. Yes, I mean just take small bites and take your time to chew more thoroughly.

There was a test.
A big fat man can easily gulped down 40 delicious dumplings in a go to feel satisfactorily full. His wife proposed a strategy. She requested him to chew each dumpling twenty times slowly before swallowing it.
The obese man took up the suggestion (on another fine hungry day, of course). After eating 15 dumplings, he was already feeling very full and couldn't eat anymore. The guy was amazed and from then on, he made an effort to eat really slowly (taking small bites and chewing thoroughly). Not only he felt that the food became more delicious but he noticed his intake of food became significantly lesser. In a relatively short period of time, his weight went down and he could comfortably engage in some form of light-exercises. This went on for a while and the end-result was desirable.

This approach is pretty scientific. The stomach takes a little while to send signals to our brain to inform that we are full. If we eat too quickly, chances are, when the signals are finally received by our brain, we have already over-eaten by a lot. I believe we have such experiences. I mean we ate quickly and we finally thought we had comfortably enough, only to realise about 10 to 15 minutes later that we were feeling much too uncomfortably full.

So, let's try it. :)
(Of course, I still believe in eating more veggies. Leave the animals alone, if possible.)

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