Thursday, April 17, 2008

Big Crosses + Small Ticks ..

Student M : Mr Nanzi, I got the answers. Why you mark me wrong?
Me : Young lady, when the methods are wrong, all answers however nice-looking are irrelevant.

There was a slight pause as she screened through her scripts.

Student M : Why your crosses are so big and your ticks are so small?
Me : Are you hurt because of this?
Student M : Ya lor.
Me : Okay lah okay lah. Next time I use small crosses and big ticks.

The conversation was held in a classroom in the midst of a lesson, audible enough for everyone to hear. And naturally, it drew much laughter.

Almost at the end of the day, in the middle of the night, I am thinking…

- It seems that I am too critical at times. Must I be that critical all the time, leaving no space for the others around me to breathe?

- It seems that I have amplified the wrongs and almost nullified the rights. Isn’t the opposite approach more wonderful?

- It seems that everyone, regardless of age, needs simple form of encouragement/motivation. Can’t I be the source of encouragement or motivation?

. . . .

Okay, I shall try working with big-ticks-small-crosses next time. :o)

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