Thursday, February 16, 2006

"I Show You My Passion for Math"

I was in the staff room and one *little pal called. Over the phone he said passionately, "Sir, can you please come out now. I want to show you my passion of math."

I confess I didn't hear him too clearly. Or rather I don't believe what I'd heard. This is clearly because the strings of words was never uttered together, in that order, under normal circumstances.

"... I-want-to-show-you-my-passion-of-math ... " ??!!
What is that supposed to mean? Heh..

I went out to meet him anyway.

This young chap showed me an equation which he had come up with. He knows a convincing way to write the solution. He was just elated when he asked over 30 fellow math students of established calibre but none managed to solve it. Haha.. so he was standing in front of me, wanting to "show off" to me. Nay. He was really happy and was only trying to share his joy.

Come to think about it, I only tutored him for 2 weeks. Ha.. so I should be a little "proud" to be selected by him to share his joy.

By the way, the equation he proposed was

Can you solve it? Haha.. In order to push him further, I changed some coefficients and pushed the "problems" back to him. And coincidentally, we will be dealing with "such" equations in the next chapter. Mm.. So he did a little self-discovery first.

Just hope his "passion" continue to burn.

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