Friday, January 12, 2007

Why Are You Late??!!

A new colleague of mine was conducting a lecture. I was free and thought of dropping by to support him. I delayed a bit, only thinking of giving him more time to feel more settled. So effectively, I was about 10 minutes late.

I entered the lecture venue from above. When I entered, he immediately noticed me. No, I didn’t make him nervous. Instead, he glanced confidently at me and sternly blurted, “Why are you late??!!” in front of the whole lecture venue. Physically, I froze (literally). Mentally, I exploded in laughters.

It took him about 3 seconds to notice I look somewhat familiar and so he quickly added, “Sorry, I thought you are a student.” A slight uproar of laughters in the lecture venue followed. Haha..

Oh, I was wearing a common college-theme-polo-tee. This explains the confusion caused. Haha.. Still, I choose to interpret the whole event as a compliment. :P

But of course one added,
I know the emphasis is on 「诈看之下」 的「诈」。;o)

How can I further deny, when my age divided by their (the current *little pals’) age is already a number strictly more than 2??!! Mm

I still feel like laughing. :o)

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