Wednesday, February 28, 2007


神话 may be simply regarded as fairy tale. Yes? No?
If we were to just look at the chinese characters, it seems to have another shade of meaning.

神话 = 神的话


Recently, I had a chance to relook at a fairy-tale period in china history : 封神榜. As the title suggest, the story is based on the period of a chao, ruled by the infamous 商纣. Whoever can bring peace back to the world shall 论功行赏而封神.

对。无论是人或鬼、甚至山妖水怪、等等,有功必赏而封神。就算是天界的神也助力一把,倘若心术不正也将遭受天律之惩罚 。那就是那么一个大时代!

I believe many people would have heard of 《封神榜》. Certainly, you may have heard of
- 哪吒大闹东海
- 纣王那个昏君
- 姜太公以直钩垂钓来个愿者上钩
- 申公豹道法虽高但却与妖孽为谋
- 妲己被九尾狐所缠而成一代妖后
- 周文王七年被囚禁在羑里演八卦、等等。

Just that.. erm.. we might not know the details.
There were past efforts trying to condense
《封神榜》 into just a movie (or something like that). Unlikely to be too successful, I must say. The content is just too rich.

Interestingly.. erm..
You may find it fairy-tale-like, I find it so real.
Looking at the world at large, I think it is rather chaotic, and so what if there is another actual
《封神榜》 going on now? What role will we be playing?

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Does the picture illustrate the different stages of a man's life in an almost chronological order? Which stage are we in now?

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