Monday, July 31, 2006

More Serious, More In-Thought

JP said,“Hey, I never see you so 忧郁 before...”

S, while passing a message to me from Y, had his eyes fixed on my facial for a little too long. He must have sensed something not too right. He must have asked why in his head, but it just isn’t his style to ask in person. I tried to be as composed as possible. Heh.. I must have looked awkward.

P had his concern eyes tracing me when I walked past him. He must have tried to strike a conversation with me, but…

F asked, “Nanzi, are you okay?”. He asked, when he himself is not feeling too well.


I must have looked so bad.

There were thoughts in my mind.
Some past memories flooded in.
Current situations weren’t that favourable after all.
Future plans seem not that feasible somehow.
Certain pressures are already building and there’s nothing much I can do.

Truly, I don’t particular feel good within. But I think I feel worse to see friends around me worrying about me.

I replied, “Oh, I’m okay. Thanks. Just a little tired.”

Slightly less “bubbly”, less “cheery”…
Slightly more “serious”, more “in-thought”…

How I hope to bring joy and laughters all around, always.
In some days that I can’t, as least I shall not be a source of worries for the people around. I shall try, even though I seem to have failed quite many times. I can only try harder.


Anonymous said...

what happened old man?... haha i only went -.^ trying to understand the entry

Anonymous said...

ops the name..

Anonymous said...

-Za|- :
No worries....
"Just a little tired"