Saturday, September 22, 2007

Responsible Writing

I am quite a skiver when comes to writing lately. :P

So … maybe I write a little about “responsible writing”.

I am 100% for the notion of responsible writing. I am not going to define what’s “responsible writing”, but I think you get an idea, however vague.

We understand the dire effects when one writes irresponsibly, even if he writes what he truly feels or thinks from his perspectives.

I believe if you are reading this, you would have the capacity to have also witnessed how many writers (especially bloggers, columnists) got themselves into
trouble because of what they covered or wrote once upon a time.

I notice a trend.

If we were to write something negative, however true (maybe) = irresponsible writers???

If we were to write something positive, however false (maybe) = star writers???
Right! “Star writers” in the eyes of the group being targeted (only) maybe.

No wonder, many people with negative views about something (however well supported with evidences) usually hesitated very long about making their views heard (in speech or in writing). Many times, they hesitated a little too long (after considering
all the possible consequences), until they dropped the idea of doing so. Heh..

Actually, many times, it is the atmosphere, the culture that makes us feel
“kena black mark only”, etc..

It is true that all of us should work towards social cohesion. Saying or writing something not-too-positive can possibly weaken such cohesion. But when things go not-too-right, will there be anyone to voice out risking weakening that cohesion?

Maybe it all lies in the art of delivery...

Maybe it's all about doing do at the right timing, right context ...

Maybe facing the truth (however negative) bravely, is yet another way to promote better cohesion (in the end).. maybe.. maybe..



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