Friday, March 07, 2008

Not-so-Pretty Locals...

I know this time, I shouldn't be here. But.... Suddenly I just feel like writing, writing about anything, just feel like writing anything that comes to my mind....

Imagine : The train (MRT) is very packed. The kind of usual "pack-ness" during peak hour. The seats are all occupied and of course there are many people standing.

Not difficult to imagine right?


It was under that kind of scenario when a very pregnant woman (much like going to delivery anytime kind) and a very old Ah Mah (easily above 70 year-old) walked into one of the train cabinets. They stood almost side by side, while the stronger and younger ones sat very still in their seats ignoring their presence.

A while later... okay, finally one person that was sitting stood up. We may think he was taking the lead to demonstrate good civic-mindedness to give up his seat to the very pregnant woman and hopefully another will follow what he had done and gave up his or her seat to the very old Ah Mah. But not really. He stood up and walked to the nearest door because he was preparing to alight at the next station.

Then, there was only one seat right in front. How?

Pregnant Women to Old Ah Mah : Come, let you sit.

Old Ah Mah to Pregnant Women : No need lah. Thank you. You are so pregnant. You need it more than me. You sit. You sit.

Pregnant Women to Old Ah Mah : I am okay. I am so used to standing. Ah Mah, never mind you sit.

This "give-the-other-more-deserving-person-your-seat" play went on for quite a while.

Eventually, 姜还是老的辣 ...
The Pregnant Women "lost" and took the seat. Haha..

But.. but..
What made me feel very uncomfortable was that the play was unfolded in full view to all the people in the entire train cabinet. Those seemingly stronger and younger passengers merely sat still and stared at (with full alertness) how those two women were trying to give up their opportunity. Heh.. Now. Jus twho is really stronger and who is truly younger?!

The only good thing was : 鹬蚌相争、渔翁得利之事没有发生。

I know everyone is tired.
But it only takes a wee bit of common sense to understand there are people who need the seats more than we do. Maybe it takes more than common sense? Heh..

It wasn't a pretty sight.
What can we then conclude on the locals? Mm..

~ ~ She and her Shadow ~ ~

Okay, good night morning. :o)

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