Thursday, November 30, 2006

A Fight…

A fight.. a violent physical one.. and erm.. between a mother and her teenage-daughter.

Not elaborating the details here.

I know they have not been in nice terms for quite long, but to see it escalating to such an extent.. mm.. just finds it rather heart-wrenching.

I still stand by the saying
天下的妈妈 ( or 爸爸 ) 都是一样的 .
Okay, some may protest. But what I’m saying here is at the “heart-level”, the obscure one. We may easily missed it, if many "events" occurring are not too much in our favour. But the fact remains, their love / care / concern are there.

When saying
天下的妈妈 ( or 爸爸 ) 都是一样的 , I also have to agree the ways they express their love / care / concern can be so varied. Sometimes (many times, for some), the ways are just not their children’s cup-of-tea. Mm..

But have we also think about the ways we express out love / care / concern (here, I’m assuming we have plenty) towards our parents? Have we wondered whether the ways we adopt are our parents’ cup-of-tea?


Parents are still parents after all ....
We may not fully understand the difficulty of how our mother carried us to term throughout her pregnancy. However,

Do we still remember how worried our parents were when we felt sick (or accidentally injured ourselves) during our younger days?
Do we still remember even when the purse-string was very tight, there was still a sum allocated to buy milk powder (and maybe toys) for us?
Do we still remember how dependent we were when we were babies?
Do we still remember how our parents put up with the stench when they wipe our bottoms?
Do we still remember ... the many many things done out of unconditional love ...

Often the "clashes" started when we think we know how to perceive the world and especially when our perception differs from that of our parents'.

I am not lecturing here. I’m not a perfect example myself. I’m merely reflecting at the same time. I am only thinking, no matter what, still, as a family, we can only try to work things out. Not necessarily easy, I have to admit.

Maybe I’m just feeling quite lousy for I can’t do anything to help.
Even the father of the child can’t do anything much about it.. mm..

Some say we need to wait until we are cradling a baby of our own before we can fully understand what being a parent is like and then we will be able to appreciate our parents better.
Are we sure we want to wait until then?

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笑一笑 烦恼忘掉

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