Monday, October 15, 2007

Each time I fall..

Each time I fall… I actually become stronger and better once I get up.
Ha.. I am not trying to be philosophical here. :P
I am actually referring to my experiences inline-skating practices.

It is so obvious that I actually fell down the most number of times during all official lessons and self practices. All my protective guards are now bearing deep scratches. I can’t imagine those scratches to be transferred directly to my knees, elbows or wrist. Thank god!

Exaggerating, of course..
大拇指稍微扭伤、食指也擦破了皮。Small case, I know..
腰部两边的骨也觉得有一些怪异。No worries man..

A little joke :
I fell so many times that people around me got so used to it.
During the first few rounds, there were concerns saying things like “are you ok?” or something alike.
Now.. err..
WK : Hey Nanzi, 你跌倒的姿势很正确。手有直伸出来 to break the fall。教练也是这么说的。10 分。满分。哈哈。。
And then he just bladed past me. Aiyo.. haha..

I know the problem is usually because I am often blading at a speed often too fast for myself. A little ... erm... 不自量力, I know. And when any abnormality arises (even just by placing my tired foot at not-so-right angle on the ground while moving), I may tumble much like humpty dumbty.

The idea of falling down, crashing down at not-so-low speed isn’t pleasant at all, I must agree. But I can’t fail to notice, each time I get up.. take a little break.. move on.. I become better (I think). Now that’s the consolation. Haha.. And with this in mind, I am looking forward to each fall. Crazy. Nay, I am looking forward to my better skills after each fall, if I were to fall.

We may be just
graduates of Beginner Level, but we are already self practicing skills pegged at Intermediate Level. Hehe..

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A little (very short, yet rather inspirational) story to share : A box.

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