Sunday, October 07, 2007

Reading (My) Health Screening Report.

I am not really very into health screening. I don’t think I will initiate voluntarily for any health screen myself (unless I feel something very not right or unless kena ordered by doctor). But when the medical team literally knocked at the door (I mean they really came down to the work place) and providing subsidized rates… erm.. okay lor.

Besides, lately I have heard the following slogans so many times :


Plus, I have reached such an age-group whereby every medical personnel will advise me to do periodic screening.

Anyway, the tests done generated the following profiles :
Lipid Profile, Liver Profile, Renal Profile, Diabetes Mellitus Profile, Bone/Joint Function, Hepatitis Profile, Thyroid Function, Tumour Profile, Carcinoembryonic Antigen Test, Haematology Profile, Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate, Urine Profile.

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All is well. Phew..

Nevertheless, some readings caught my attention.

(1) You are overweight. You should …
So, I am overweight, clinically speaking. Haha..
Oh well, if they were to base their finding on Body Mass Index (BMI), I am indeed a little overweight now. Yes, I admit, I put on a little more weight, but silly BMI can’t distinguish between muscle mass and fat mass what. What to do?! As if.. Haha..

(2) Calcium : 9.9mg/dL (Ref. Range : 8.4 – 10.4)
So, my calcium reading is not just within the normal range but also tending towards the higher-end side. Mm..
I have been taking vegetarian food for 12 years (and counting). Besides, for the past 6 years or so, I have been trying my best to avoid dairy products too.
Where the extra calcium comes from then? Mm..
Oh, I’m crazy over mushrooms and nuts. Maybe these are rich in Calcium too? :o)

(3) Potassium : 5.7 mmol/L (Ref. Range : 3.3 – 5.1)
My potassium level is mildly raised.
No cause of concern though. However, it is advisable to repeat this test in a few months’ time.
I read that increased levels of potassium can cause a decrease in muscle function, and may occur in circulatory failure (shock) and kidney failure. Mm..
My diet got so much potassium meh?
The following table explains why : Table of food rich in potassium.
No wonder. All are my favourites. :P
Actually a few days before the test, I had also been drinking a lot of pomegranate juice, which is known to be very rich in potassium also.

(4) Haemoglobin : 16.1 g/dL (Ref. Range : 13.5 – 18)
Iron is the key raw material required by the body to keep the production of Hb up to the normal rate. The more popular rich sources of iron are meat, liver, eggs, etc. Mm.. Then I must have my iron source from elsewhere.

(5) ESR : 1 mm/hr (Ref. Range : <11)
While randomly reading through some websites (for example : here), I noted that my reading is comparable to a newborn. Haha..

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The other readings appear just "normal" and they don't leave much impression with me even now that I'm writing this entry.

~ ~ Choose A Healthy Lifestyle ~ ~
Everyone wants to be healthy.
May I say, in many ways, we are responsible for it.

Wishing all of you be always in the pink of health.

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