Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Feeling Fortunate

Just the other day, a pal (K) was telling me that he was "planning" of going Taiwan with L and S this December. I mean the three of them did agree to travel together. I think that will be a nice break from work for them. K was also enquiring about my holiday plan overseas. He was trying to see how things can be / should be worked out in the planning of a holiday in a free-and-easy style. He was amazed how things are working out fine and taking shape on the side of my team. He "lamented" about how he, L and S had conceived the idea of going together quite some time ago, but at the moment none of them seems to be free enough or bother enough to sit down to plan or to read about it yet. Of course, he wasn’t complaining. He was merely reflecting why he himself also lacks the kind of energy to start off to make their plan more concrete.

Of course, there was no secret why my team is moving on and taking shape so rapidly. We have a professional “holiday engineer”, I tell you. Haha..

Early this month, Wil showed us this :

Air tickets purchased. That's so cool!

Today, we were shown an invoice :

A pretty big car. How wonderful!

I recall a picture of one of our posible accommodations being this :

And of course, I “see” not just that. I “see” a Toyota Camry parking in front of it. You “see” that too? :P

Further effort was made by him to read up, talked to people who had travelled there before to get solid very-personal-out-of-guide-book kind of travel guide. Itineraries were then artfully revised to only become more colourful, at the same time taking into account any personal requests (if any) from the team. And so on...

I’m simply .. erm.. amazed.. erm.. speechless…

Wil! :o)

Besides, the team to travel together comprises of really wonderful people.
How can I not feel so fortunate?! Haha..

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