Sunday, October 15, 2006

Stop Him...

The Economist, October 14th – 20th

With the possible exception of South Africa, no country that has tested an atomic bomb has given it nuclear weapons up. So no matter what the world now does to punish North Korea for its underground test on October 8th, Kim Jong Il’s hermit kingdom is likely to hand grimly onto its bomb. If you are the paranoid dictator of a friendless state that is still technically at war with both South Korea and the United Sates, a nuclear arsenal is your ultimate insurance policy.

To say this is not to say that North Korea should go unpunished. On the contrary, it must be punished even if the punishment is unlikely to change its ways. That is because other would-be nuclear proliferators, with Iran to the fore, are now watching to see whether it is really as easy as Mr Kim has made it look to go nuclear in defiance not only of the dire warnings of the United States and the United Nations but also of powerful neighbours such as Russia and China.

... ...
It’s worrisome that Mr Kim has “presided nonchalantly over mass starvation inside his country, cares little about the suffering of his own people”. I mean we know “the Chinese could, if they wished, starve North Korea’s people and switch off its lights”.

Oh well, seemingly, many decisions made by the powers were primarily out of self-interest. (Is this what we call basic human instinct?) But for Mr Kim, it seems like it is another level of don’t-know-what “self-interest”. He is a leader and yet “cares little about the suffering of his own people”??!!

With the nuclear treats around, with dictators around, with weapons that could kill millions around, … Haiz.. Apparently, it seems like man is destroying himself.

Learning that all things happened for some reasons, I may have to learn to ‘accept’ things as they come along. Yes? No? Heh..




~ ~ Threats Behind? ~ ~

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