Monday, July 03, 2006

Why We Need Superman..

Lois Lane wrote Why We Don't Need Superman Anymore and won herself a Pulitzer Prize for her story. However, late in Superman Returns, Lois stares at a blinking cursor, frustrated in her attempt to create an essay titled Why We Need Superman.

In fact, this idea of “why we need superman” crossed my mind well before that scene popped up. So when that scene appeared, I thought the director was to provide a direct answer. I was looking forward to it. But no. This portion was left for our thought. I thought of completing the essay for Lois. But no. I simply lack the skills of doing so.

Maybe, I shall just talk about some random thoughts gathered…

(1) Superman is rather human too. I like the sensitivity he demonstrated towards Richard White and Lois Lane in the show. On the other side of the argument, could be it that every human is a superman too? Heh.. I know this thought of mine is a little too wild, but we do hear people exclaiming “you are my hero.” Soften my point a little bit, maybe I can say every human can be a superman too, but not in the physical power aspects of course. Think intangibly, please.

(2) Frankly, I was rather touched every time Superman rushed to the rescue of anyone. Maybe, I admire the super powers he possesses and can help so many people in distress. Maybe I also hope to possess such super powers. But wait a minute, I don’t have to wait till I acquire that kind of super powers in order to help. I can always help anyone within my (however limited) capacity at that moment in time. But of course, I only dream of “enlarging” such capacity.

(3) Even Superman has his weaknesses (the deadly Kryptonite… cannot see through lead… ), what more we? Pondering upon this for some time, I wonder what’s the point of looking at (and criticizing on) the weaknesses of anyone. Just learn the good from each other would be better. I don’t think you will disagree.

(4) Some people commented that the greatest weakness Superman has is his love for humans. How many times, he actually risked his own safety to save the lives of human? Ha.. How I like this idea. He could have lead his carefree life (all he can) and leave us all alone. But.. Nope. He doesn’t. Simple reminds me of Jesus, Buddha… Haha.. What a link?!

(5) There are so many villains on earth. Superman will be so busy. But his approach is rather “fire-fighting” and erm… not that “preventive”. I mean, he acts only when the problem surfaces. But I think it needs another kind of power to see the future problems (based on current parameters) and try to prevent the problems from realizing. Nevertheless, I still admire him loads.

(6) The existence of Superman simply makes people feel safe (but not for Lex Luthor and anyone alike, I think.. ). What is the value of our very own existence?

Many other thoughts to be shared actually. But I think today, I shall just stop here.

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