Sunday, August 13, 2006

Can You Smell In Your Dream?

Dreaming of the camel’s bell..

I would have forgotten all about this entry, if not because of the song :
梦驼铃. Some one was casually talking about desert and another one blurted out the title of this song. And what happened to me some days’ back flooded back into my memory.

Was it just a few days’ ago, I was vividly riding a camel in my dream. I was with a her and she was teaching me how to ride it. It felt that as if I know
her very well, but I can’t figure out (now) who she was. It was a pleasant feeling, for she was super patient in her instructions.

The camel is so gentle too, as if understanding my language. It walked gracefully with a slight swaying movement. And I was swayed along. I don’t think I was in a desert for I have noted cars driving by pretty fast. I wasn’t too absorbed with the surrounding anyway, for I was too absorbed by the camel and
her. ;)

I was feeling the soft thick brown fur of the camel as I was riding along. Actually, to be more precise, it wasn’t just “feeling”. I was “playing” with the fur. When the ride was more stable, I was constantly rubbing the back of the neck of the camel and sank my hand into the thick fur and felt the warmth of the camel’s skin. Of course, I was also in constant conversation with

It occurred to me even in my dream, that I must be dreaming. I mean I know I was dreaming, for I know I wouldn’t be riding a camel in real life. Knowing that things will vanish when I wake up, I actually tried to make an extra effort to register
her face, but at that moment I was immediately brought to another scene. Sian ah

I woke up. Smiling.

I’ve noted
- I can hear in dreams, for I was conversing. And yes, the occasion tingle of the camel’s bell.
- I can feel in dreams, for the feeling of the touch of the thick fur still lingers.
- I can see colours in dreams, for I saw the camel’s thick brown fur and
her long black hair.
But, I don’t seem to be able to smell anything. I didn’t register the scents of the camel and
her, despite that I was so close with them. Mm..

If I know I am dreaming, I shall try to remember to register the different scents around. Oh, and of course, try to see if I can taste in dreams as well. Heh.. I am not thinking about tasting the camel or tasting
her hor. I would really also like to see if my taste buds are active in my dreams.

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