Saturday, January 21, 2006

Helping Hands from ( Him / Her or Ourselves... )

I was trying to work with something with a notice board along a corridor. I was alone and was juggling with a few things with that notice board. Something was about to fall. I saw that and was mentally ready to let it just fall. But nope, it didn't.

A hand from no where came by and stopped that from happening. It was just a simple gesture from her (JW) and that thing was supported. She was trying to help. So timely. I can only thank her profusely.

She left (after a little simple and warmly conversation) and I was alone again with the boring notice board.

In just a while, another one walked by. He (W) was on his way to lunch, but he still stopped by to offer his assistance, asking if he could offer his help in any way. That was so nice of him. Haha.. I declined politely, saying simple thing like this, I shall handle myself and when I am tasked with more challenging tasks, I shall then ask for his help. Okay, he left (after a little simple and warmly conversation) also.

~ Helping Hand ~
It is certainly fortunate to be given a helping hand from anyone.
It is just as fortunate to give a helping hand to anyone.

These are just two simple (or almost trivial) encounters of the day. But... It's just a simple way for me to express :

(a) When we think we are alone, we are alone. But the fact remains that there are always trusty people around us, willing to assist us.

Let's be positive. People are generally very helpful. If they appear not too helpful, very likely they are not coping too well with their own demands or they must have suffered some kind of bad/negative experiences. If we are really that helpful (are we?), we should be helping them instead.

(c) Another point of reflection : We realise we "tend" to help someone more "willingly" or "automatically" than the other. That is, we tend to help people that we think are "good" or "worthy of our help". I am therefore thinking : Are we good enough, kind enough or helpful enough to people in our daily life such that we have built ourselves the image of a wholesome people so that in time of need, they are ever so willing to help us? Haha..

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有 没有想过在晚上睡觉前,重新再反省回想一下白天所做过的事情?举头三尺有神明,这个时候你要忏悔,你在讲的时候,要仙佛给你见证。如果你敢做到这一点的 话,日子一久,自然而然的,你的过错就会减少。为什么会少?你的自性会告诉自己这件事不能做,因为晚上要向仙佛禀报的时候会不好意思。


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