Thursday, January 19, 2006

This Time, Learning From Her ...

She did something not quite right, affecting not just me, but some other people as well.
I decided to let her know her wrongness.
I was rather firm and looked at her sternly.
You know how cold my stare can be.
She felt cornered and expressed her uneasiness through her tears.
She was crying audibly.
I wasn't sure she accepted her wrongness as she was hitting me repeatedly with her soft hands.
She must be also protesting that I was too harsh on her.
It must be out of her wildest imagination that I can be that stern towards her.
My stare did not leave her, but certainly softened.
It took quite a while for her to stabilize her emotional upheaval.
When I left, I can tell she hadn't forgiven me for my harshness towards her.
She must have expected me to accept her, all her wrongness included.
I wondered how long the cool-off period would be.

The next day, we met again.
I wasn't sure how I should react to her.
Should I receive her warmly as usual? What if she had decided to ignore me?
My concern was so unnecessary.
She initiated a warm wave at me with her hands, smiling so innocently as usual.
She even extended her hand to receive mine and led me.
She did not forget the event happened the day before certainly, for she showed me an evidence that the "mischief" was "undone".
When it was time to leave, she even requested me to stay. But I really got to go.

She actually forgave me so completely, so easily.
She didn't even mention how harsh I was to her the day before.

I am actually learning from her.
How the little me, cannot "let go" as easily as her. When such event had passed, I still felt a tinge of awkwardness for sometime, albeit I know I will eventually "let go", while she can face it so bravely and freely within such a short span of time.

Has ageing does me bad? Haha..

Before I end, I should clarify. She is just a three-year-old girl, a daughter of a close pal of mine.


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Anonymous said...

to tell u the truth.. 你把你和那小妹妹的关系,诉说的很暧昧哦。哈哈。可是,有时候,看着小孩子,会不会有一种不想长大的感觉?好像S.H.E 那首歌一样。不想长大。哈哈。很像在逃避.


可是呢,有时,就是因为我们狭小的心灵,使我们拒人于千里之外。很多时候, 变成我们在钻牛角尖。如果,可以有想小孩子那赤子之心,我们或许,就会变得更加友善。世界会更加美好?人与人之间的相处,或许不再会是那么复杂了。。 哈哈。。

Anonymous said...

哈哈。。 我故意的啦。都说我的写法一向来都很“夸张”了嘛。

Anonymous said...

