Sunday, September 17, 2006

Attended a Liver Talk

The liver is the body’s chemical factory, converting molecules into simpler or more complex forms as the body requires. For example, nutrients are modified in the liver, then stored there or distributed throughout the body; toxins such as alcohol are broken down into less harmful substances. The liver also produces the digestive juice bile…

In a liver damaged by disease, normal blood flow may become obstructed. This obstruction leads to portal hypertension, in which the pressure is increased in the portal vein, a large vein that carries blood from the digestive tract to the liver. The high pressure forces blood through other smaller veins of the digestive tract. These veins then become distended and fragile and are know as varices. In most cases, varices develop at the lower end of the esophagus. They are prone to rupture, and heavy bleeding from them can be life-threatening. In some cases, varices develop in other areas of the body, such as in the skin over the abdomen and in the rectum…

Imagine having to listen to all these (and much more) in Chinese over 2-and-a-hour hours. “Privileged” is the word. Haha.. The speaker (Dr Li Shi Qi) actually partook Singapore’s first liver transplant operation and is no any ordinary doctor. The other attendees of the talk were mostly practicing Chinese physicians or at least students of some TCM-related courses. I was there, yesterday, with some other pals to 感染 what was like to attend a medical talk. Needless to say, my “standard” (as if there is any..) is the lowest amidst the crowd. Haha.. Nevertheless, I’m pretty impressed. And I think I’d learnt something also (more at the awareness level).

Still ringing in my mind…


Of course there are symptoms for liver failure. Erm.. Like :
In milder cases :
In more severe cases : 黄疸、腹水、消化道症状、精神神经症状、等。
But it seems to me that the only way to confirm is through many scans, blood tests or even liver biopsy.

Erps.. I better stop here. Or else my ignorance will be fully exposed.

In any case, I really admire people doing or have done medicine courses or people aspiring to do medicine courses (be it
中医-related or 四医-related).

Don’t play play, with our advancing age, one fine day, we will be lying in front of them, totally at their mercy to restore our health. :o)

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A guy, a Shanghai university student, wanted to express his unfathomable love to his sweetheart. So, what did he do? He gave chocolates to all the girls living in the University student apartments and asked them to turn their lights on or off at 8pm that night.

You don't need to guess his sweetheart's reaction. :)
Hundreds of students came over later to witness this great piece of Art driven by the Greatest Emotion known to Man - 'Love'.


Anonymous said...

If you are interested, you may visit , which gives information on complementary and alternative medicine...
Got to know about the website through 1 of my modules...

Anonymous said...

Browsed through. Interesting read. Bookmarked. Hehe..