Thursday, September 21, 2006

Simple Little Sense of “Satisfaction”

I have not been keeping up with real exercising. The only form of exercise I do is perhaps the climbing up and down of stairs between lessons at different levels. Erm.. Okay, if you were to insist : many “mouth-exercises” too. Yeah. I think I kiss talk too much most of the time.

Hey but today, out of the blue, K and I ran jogged 5.6 km non-stop. Ahem.. Let’s don’t talk about the timing and concentrate on the phrase “non-stop”, okay? Haha.. To an old man me, I do feel a little (not much) sense of satisfaction, considering the fact that I only ran 5 km non-stop (with better timing) during my army daze days.

Just yesterday, I happened to be at around Chinatown area. Remembering what W had said, I made a little detour to get some simple food items. I thought those are great items as gifts and I ended up buying quite a lot. Haha..

Out of approximately 84 pieces in all, I think only 3 ended up in my tummy. And it actually felt nice (and a tinge of satisfaction) to share those items with pals around today. Of course, I understand when comes to food tasting, different people just like different things. I only hope they like them.

A little silly thought rushed through my brain. Would there be one day I could make/cook something nice enough to share with pals around? Haha.. Got to wait long long, I guess.

I have not seen some pals for quite a long time. It is obvious even a simple friendly reply message from them can be rather heart-warming. It is therefore obvious my heart is rather “warm” now. It is just good enough to know they are doing well and coping fine.

~ ~ Completing a Puzzle ~ ~
I think I will be rather satisfied to be able to solve a Rubik's Cube.

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Anonymous said...

To get "great" satisfaction,
you have to do "great" things...
Haha, I think I still prefer having little sense of satisfaction from many little things... =)

If you have figured out how to solve the Rubik's Cube, please let me know...
I have been wanting to know...

Anonymous said...

Many "satisfying" little things... erm.. . How greedy you are!
Haha.. just kidding. :p

Equally interesting, "little things" done may be perceived as "big things" in the eyes of another, especially in the eyes of someone special (in whatever sense).

Rubik's Cube.. erm.. I failed in a few attempts to find out the answer.
Nevertheless, this task has never been totally deleted from my to-accomplish-list.
One day, one fine day.. we shall see..