Sunday, September 03, 2006

Part of Funeral Procession...

Sai Gongs or Monks are “indispensable” in many Chinese funeral processions (unless… ). They are the ones that are supposed to lead the way for the departed. They are the ones to make the transition easier for the departed souls.

Someone tried to strike a conversation with a professional Sai Gong and I think it was quite interesting.

A :

SG : 还是要啦。

A : 不过你不是常常……

SG : 那也只不过是照章办事,路怎么走我也不懂。


Next, I remember flipping through the scriptures chanted by the Monks during a funeral procession. True enough, they are sutras. But… Sutra teaches what one should do (have to do) during our mortal existence and sometimes gives a graphic description of the other realms. It is not about what one should do (have to do) after we left this world.

『佛经』 便是记载『佛』的所有『经过』。
可是 …

So, is the chanting more for the departed souls or for the friends and relatives around? Mm… But no one bothers to explain the Sutras to the friends and relatives around leh.

This entry is not meant to put SGs or Monks in a negative light. They have an rather important role to play. In the least, the friends and relatives of the departed souls can feel more at ease. They can feel more
安心 that they have done something which they think is best for their departed beloved.

I am merely using this entry as a lead for us to think about our life, our death and perhaps (if you believe… ) our life after death. I only interpret the observations at a very superficial level, I know. Much is left to your own exploration.


~ ~ Long Road "Home" ~ ~

The Sai Gongs continue to chant..
The Monks continue to chant..
The Pastors / Fathers continue to deliver their sermons..

And please, let’s continue to think and explore…
(At a certain point in time, I think we got to be humble enough to be lead …)

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