Monday, August 29, 2005

Trying to Write ..

Writing takes time and it is quite an art (which I significantly lack). I do admire people whose writing just flow. Wow!

In the day, many thoughts would run through my mind, in bits and pieces.
They ranges from
the good/bad ; the happy/sad ; the wishful/realistic or just opinions of things happening around me.
It may be good to piece them together or maybe record it somewhere somehow.
Ha.. I just lack the necessary skill, or perhaps my thoughts are just kind of "confused".

Besides, many times, when I was trying to write something, a sweet voice would tell me in the course of my writing - "maybe not tonight".
Haha.. that is from my dear friend. Let me introduce her. She is plain laziness.
My dear friend beckons me to her arms again.
"Honey, okay, here I come".

Anyway, today is rather calm and plain. It's okay, but not the kind of calmness or plainness I really enjoy. On one hand, there are many people whom I would like to meet or talk to. Heh.. guess they are busy. On the other, I have got things to be cleared as well.
Wishing everyone (all beings) well and good.

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