Tuesday, June 13, 2006

After Reading...

I was browsing through the newspaper and had spotted many things pretty disturbing. Okay, I shall just mention a small phrase that had stirred quite sensationally.

In one of the articles today, MOH released a figure quoting, here (in Singapore) 1 in every 4 pregnancies ended in abortion. In other words, the abortion department performs more than 10000 such procedures yearly, just in our small country.

If the figure is correct, what the hell is happening? Erm… I am not really questioning about the physical-body-contact sense, whereby seemingly many more people are involved in unprotected sex. I am questioning more in the line of the what-is-in-your-head sense, whereby seemingly many more people disregard life.

What is abortion to these people who opted for or were being coerced (by someone) to go through that kind of horrific procedure? Just go and google “abortion” to learn more about it. Again, there are different schools of thoughts too. Mm...

If one is calm enough, he or she will have heard the “silent scream”.
Believe it or not, if one has the unique eye to see the presence of beings in the other realm, I am telling you, the abortion departments or abortion clinics are such sorry sights. There are just many souls waiting for their chances to be born into this world, but to so many, their dreams were shattered. I am not saying this world is that perfect. But there are certain things that could only be achieved/attained via the physical body existence. The souls in the other realms know best. This is not a nice place to elaborate such topic. Or rather, I lack the skill to be precise or concise. I just leave it for thought.

In the same article, it is also reported people seeking treatment to Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) have increased many folds. In other words, I question how many partners are staying faithful? Mm.. While the skin-temptation may be great, where is the sense of responsibility and/or faithfulness? Oh sure, the hormones are raging and the insuppressible urge is there. Knock your head (literally, I mean), because the brain is your main sexual organ.

Babies ~ Wonderful Creatures
I think they are just so lovely.
They may be just sleeping, but maybe they are already planning the big things they will be doing in the future.
We are also yesterday's babies.....
Do you see remember your dreams?

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