Saturday, June 17, 2006

小明 Wrote…

The past few “entries” might be a little heavy. I shall try something light today.

Many times we observed wrong words being used. “Wrong” as in they don’t make sense. For examples…
We cannot write

- 你到在写什么?
- 足球世界杯之大战进行的如火如
- 买得起豪宅养不起娃,白领求生活质量所不惜。
and so on…

However, I have also seen some cases of so called “wrong” words being used, but can be “correct” at the same time. I mean they carry a totally different meaning and can be rather comical.

Just a few examples I can recall off-hand now …

小明 was rushing through an assignment. He used his computer to type a Chinese essay. He had just learnt 汉语拼音. He found out inputting Chinese text using computer was such an easy task. The inputting-method is so useful. He doesn’t really need to refer to a Chinese dictionary anymore. Or is it?

He wrote…

- 孙悟空与唐三藏一同到四方取
Erm.. Is it correct if the journey was meant to be such a productive adventure?

- 我妈妈是个家庭妇。
Erm.. Is it correct if his mum does cooking and nothing else?

- 我不管,你一定要给我一个胶带
Erm.. Is it correct if he was asking for some adhesive tape or plastic bag?

- 老友,这真的是我的废腐之言。
Erm.. Is it correct if he is super crappy and filthy in his speech?

Poor 小明, must go back to the basic lah.

- - - - - - - - - - -

可是他不懂的还是很多啊 …
不 …
应该是说我还来不及引导、我不懂得引导、我的不足 …




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