Tuesday, March 28, 2006

I hope to have $1000000

I hope to have $1000000 (just an arbitrary large sum, I mean). Anyway, who don’t want?

I am not thinking of keeping it for myself. Right!

Okay, I got to admit, Jaguar, BMW and Merz appeal to me just too much. But… I am not thinking of that. Sure!

True. Some of friends are earning like 5 to 6 figures (monthly) easily. Majority managed to get by quite comfortably. But there are a few who really struggle to survive. They are not into vices. They are into heavy debts because of failed business. They have families and there are mouths (so many young ones) waiting to be fed.

Just imagine, one particular one has a monthly debt of about $2000 to clear (an arrangement between him and the credit-card-related-bank) and it will run for many years (the duration of which, he doesn’t even have the heart to think about).
Mm.. It’s scary if you think about the interest rate charged by any credit card company.

Yes, we know money can’t solve all problems. A simple basic life can just be as blissful. I need not elaborate on that. With the hefty monthly bill to clear for don’t know how many years, it is just too heavy for anyone’s heart.

Only if money (or anything) can help and I have the means, I will not hesitate.


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