Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Talking about Insurances

Recently, some of my *little pals expressed some concerns about their tuition fees in the university. One of the possible solutions may be the Education plans ( random references (1) , (2) and (3) ) that could be bought by parents for their children, practically at day 1 of their new lives.

This somewhat sets me thinking about insurances.

I buy in the concept of insurance. I mean I believe we need it.

Many times, it seems it is more for our living loved ones when we are "gone". Perhaps. But when we look at the coverage for illnesses plans, hospitalization plans and accidental plans, saving plans, it could also mean the concept is for our loved ones and ourselves when we are still "around". I'll just give an example. One fellow colleague was telling me that his wife got a plan some years back. His wife has to commit herself to deposit $2000 into an account annually and by retirement age, she could easily withdraw more than $300000 (guaranteed), if she is still "around". Ha.. Such rate became impossible after 9/11.

However, it's a little uneasy to learn that the higher income group is usually very well covered, while the lower income group (who really needs it badly at difficult times) may not have the means to be sufficiently covered. Hence the lower income group (with no or insufficient insurance coverage) may be living by fine now, but when "misfortune" strikes, I just find it difficult to imagine how they can ever "recover". Unless...

The Insurance Companies say
Come Hell or High Water, We've Got You Covered
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Start early please, as the premium for all such plans escalate exponentially when we get older.

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