Bite Line - a phrase I coined myself, recently.
I am referring to the mark left by our teeth, on something (usually soft) after we bite on it. Got it? Okay, I try again. Imagine we are given a piece of ang ku kueh to eat. Naturally, we will just bite a piece out of it, at a time. (Unless, we are that hungry, we devour it whole. Eee.. ) Oh dear, it sounds so normal. But wait a minute; I have noticed something which is significantly different from the past. Once I bite off, the mark left by the teeth can actually form a neat edge. Haha.. silly me. I was actually thrilled by it.
Now that I had just taken out my braces a few weeks ago, I am still rather cautious of what I bite when I eat. Anything too hard on my teeth may not be too comfortable. Now, besides being cautious of what I bite, I am also sort-of-admiring the bite line left behind of whatever I have bitten. :P
Kao.. rather vain sia.. heh..
Friday, September 30, 2005
Bite Line
Posted by
11:05 PM
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Cousin's Wedding
I had just attended a wedding dinner of my 39-year-old male cousin. His bride is about 2 years elder than him. They are just as lovely as another couple can be.
Being so closely related to him (by issue of blood-line), it wasn't surprising that the event turned out to be a major relative-gathering at the same time. Some of these relatives I have not met for so long that I don't even remember how to formally address them. Cannot everyone also call aunty / uncle right? Heh..
I made some amusing observations :
(1) Some relatives refused to be seated with certain relatives on the same table. They demanded requested for a change of seating plan on the spot.
(2) Relatives changing seat automatically without the concept of one-to-one exchange. Hence, creating a little chaos in the beginning. And they "blamed" the system of pre-arranged seating plan to be flawed. Heh..
(3) Many did not really confirmed their attendance. Some even turned up with their maids and babies. I have nothing against maids and babies. In fact, I have a maid seated just beside me and she was attending to a baby throughout. I am just pointing out the unpredictability of the attendance. Spare tables were "activated". Oh, I enjoyed playing with the baby also. Haha..
(4) Those hardly drink (in normal days) also asked for wine during this occasion. I see plenty red faces. I remembered once, some years back, one of my uncles created a scene after gotten rather drunk at another cousin's wedding. I didn't see him being invited this time round.
(5) My newly-wedded cousin looked blissful. At the same time, elements of tiredness and stressfulness were apparent.
(6) Parents of the bride and groom hardly communicate. Mm..
Anyway, everything went through smoothly and I really felt thankful that they actually made a special effort to accommodate my dietary habit. :)
So.. when is my turn?
This is the kind of question many asked me before / during / after the wedding.
Actually this is the question I would like to ask myself also. Do I have an answer? Haha..
Posted by
12:50 AM
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Defense of the Ancients (DotA).
I’m not really going to talk about it, because..
either the readers
- are already so into it, or
- know nuts about it.
Okay, I belong to the category “ know nuts about it”. Haha.. Yet so many of my *little pals are simply crazy over it. It’s a kind of strategic computer game, I supposed. Examination is round the corner and yet. . . erm . . . interesting. Wish they have discipline to control a bit man (during this period).
These *little pals were trying hard to initiate me into the game as well. They said, “You should go and try it. It’s so fun . . . It’s about this . . . ”
Frankly, half the time, I don’t know what they were talking about. I maintained my concentration though, listening just as attentively. Me sotong also must be polite, right? :p
One of them, even came forward and evaluated with me, the pros and cons of playing the game at “LAN shop” and at home. (Erm.. he doesn’t know I don’t really understand what a LAN shop is.. haha.. ) If I get him right, he enjoys playing at LAN shop with friends but it’s expensive. Playing at home is much more affordable but can be frustrating. He said that when you are playing at home, you are winning and wanting to push further or conquer deeper, the other fellow could just logged off the game suddenly. That’s no fun, according to him. I think I understand that.
I am never into computer game. Not complaining that their “initiation” was no good. Heh.. Sometimes, I wonder what I am lacking in. I mean when all boys / men are so into computer games, I am just.. aiyo.. so pathetic in this area. Maybe.. maybe.. in the near future I may "improve". Haha.. Oh nevermind, I better go do my reading now.
Anyway, I still appreciate deeply their kind intention of sharing with me what they think is good. I think they want me to “get a life” and they might think DotA might be just it. Haha.. Do I look so bored / boring? :)
Hope everyone enjoys what he/she is doing and yet with balance and discipline, still manage to attain their goals in life. :)
Good Night!
Posted by
10:15 PM
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Giving is...
Let's think of the many great people we know. I mean people whom we think are great. Come on, bring them (past and present) to the foreground of our mind.
Ask ourselves : What do they have in common?
The answers may not be unique. My take will be, they all give. Of course, the giving is not restrictive to the materialistic sense. They give their time, guidance, energy, service, care, love, etc. for other beings. Besides, the way they delivered the "giving" must have impressed us immensely. For example,
- They are always that whole-hearted. (真心诚意的)
- They did not request for any form of 'rewards' in return. (无条件、无所要求的)
- They give to the best of their ability. (无限的奉献)
Why am I talking about "giving" when the majority will be more interested in "taking"? Mm..
People want to be happy, hope for a pay-rise, want to strike a lottery, hope for his/her attention, want blah blah blah... hope blah blah blah..
Even if we were to do something good, there seems to be a "hidden agenda". We want him/her to be touched, we hope he/she can reciprocate, we want blah blah blah... we hope blah blah blah..
(None of these are wrong or what-so-ever. I just want to bring out a possible difference between us and the great people out there.)
There's a Chinese saying : 助人为快乐之本。
(The chief source of happiness is by helping others.)
This happiness, I believe refers more to the inner peace one experiences. However, I really heard people saying, "Wa lau, to give away money, time and energy to others, still can be happy meh? Given me money,I think I more happy leh."
I recall a Buddhist teaching, telling people, the roots of suffering are greed (贪), hatred(嗔) and ignorance(痴). These roots of suffering, if not rid of, shall be a great hindrance in attaining higher level of realization. One of the best way to curb greed is through giving (布施), fortunately.
We should learn from the great – to give.
Not for any special reason(s). We will realize it’s only our nature to give. :)
Ha.. be creative, and remember it’s not restrictive to the materialistic sense. It could be giving in the form of our precious time, energy, service, care, love etc. for other beings. I've just learnt, the giving could also be in the form of a wearing a smile on our face. It’s "infectious" and it may provide an extra lift to anyone near us. :)
Just a simple analogy (I read it somewhere) :
Here it draws a simple comparison with “giving” and “drawing of water from a well”. We note that a well-utilized well with always be refilled with fresh water (naturally), whereas a non-utilized well will have its water turning stale. There will not be a case, whereby the water will over-flow from it even if we refuse to draw the water out for sharing or what-so-ever. Heh..
Giving is _______________ . (真走过才会懂。你们就各自填充吧。)
Posted by
9:05 PM
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Konica Minolta (Digital Photo Express)
The printing of digital images at Konica Minolta (Digital Photo Express) seems pretty 'high tech'.
- Bring our image storage medium.
- Self-access any of the fully automated touch-screen machines at the side.
- Insert into the machine our image storage medium appropriately. We will be guided by the machines in the selection of our options : size, glossary/matt, crop/fit, number of print, my name and contact number, etc. When confused or over-whelmed by the "IT-ness", we can always request for "human-assistance".
- We will get a print out of our confirmation slips thereafter.
- Pay a deposit or the full amount to the cashier nearby.
- Our images will be already stored in their system. We can get back our image storage medium immediately.
- The print-outs will be ready to be collected in about an hour's time.
(Charged at $0.25 per piece for 4R-print. No processing fees, if the number of print is more than 4.)
But I don't quite like the effect of the print-outs. :(
I am not saying the quality is that bad la.. but when compared.. aiyo.. a bit lacklustre leh..
Haha.. maybe JJ has shown me plenty quality Fuji colour print-outs and Fuji colour somewhat seems more appealing to me. And of course, my monitor and the KM printer are clearly not in sync. or rather my monitor is not calibrated at all. Furthermore, I think the printer does not provide manual colour-alternation (colour-alternation by the printer can be quite a saver since my monitor is not calibrated). To my understanding, they may do only slight brightness/contrast adjustment.
Aiyo.. too bad, JJ not too free to assist this time round. If not the photos (to be given away as a gift) will look much nicer in Fuji colour printed on quality Fuji paper. Next time ba..
At least this little experience reinforces the teaching :
Posted by
3:15 PM
Delicate *Little Pals
Examination is just round the corner and they (okay, the majority) are really putting in a lot of effort.
- They claim they studied, yet they can fail so many tests or just barely passing. Many don’t have the focus at all. It’s worrying.
- When questioned more sternly (or slightly more loudly), I can see that some of their eyes were reddened. Gosh! I was melted man.
- Many broke down (audibly) when they got back their marked scripts. They cited memory-lost, black-out during tests as the reasons.
- Temper is running short. There was nearly a fight involving 6 *little pals right in the midst of the canteen crowd during lunch time.
They are now in CTG 1xx, of course I hope to see them in CTG 2xx. However, a reality check shows that there will still be some who just need one more year with the college. It’s not easy to work with this kind of “brutal” assumption. The examination is barely three more weeks from now. Okay, I shall work with the mentality that everyone is going to make it!
Posted by
10:00 AM
Friday Night - Going Down Town – Going Green.
Friday night (yesterday) was spent at down town area. It was pleasant. :)
It was a class gathering of some of my ex-*little pals. In a way, I was glad I was invited along. There were around 10 of us. I chose to “go green” and went there by MRT, instead of driving there.
Some fine reasons for “going green” :
(a) With the ever increasing hike in petrol prices in mind, “going green” is cheaper. :P
(b) Traffic condition at down town area at Friday night can be quite congested.
(c) Unless I drive a (mini) bus, the mobility of around 10 of us together can be a little restrictive. Heh..
(d) Most of the time during the gathering, we will be chilling out and not using the car, yet I will be charged for the parking.
(e) I can go there/anywhere with everyone after meeting them at a common place, and come back together on the train with as many of them. Communication can be maintained throughout.
(f) We are more or less restricted to the idea of needing to catch the last train and/or last bus. By I think that is fine. Haha.. so we can all be back at “safe” hours.
- - - - -
I do enjoy driving a lot. It saves time (but waste a bit $$$ la.. haha.. ).
Car – An amazing invention
Driving with passenger(s) around can be an extra joy. The conversation can be more focused, more personal (since there usually aren’t too many people together in a car). However, the occasional taking of public transport can be rather refreshing for me.
- - - - -
Talk a little bit about the night.
(1) Simple meal together. I didn’t eat though, since they were at AJISEN. I don’t think I made them uncomfortable. Hehe.. they promised they will go somewhere with vegetarian food, next time.
(2) Some characters :
G is such a joker. Ha.. he is always that cheerful and that made the night much livelier.
WB is ever still so gentle and he is so determined to use every bit of his time, to make his days more enriching.
EM is attached to ambulances and has seen the harshness of accidents more than anyone of us.
WK is still rather soft spoken. He said he cannot go back too late since his younger brother is alone at home. That’s brotherly man. Haha..
YLian and S are so into Da Chang Jin. These ladies even suggest I get a certain set of VCDs for them. I learnt it’s of the idol-romance theme. Haha..
+ + +
(3) The guys were talking more of their army dayzzz.. and the ladies about their studies. Ha.. I gave updates of where they had left. Haha..
(4) The thought of catching a mid-night show also crossed some of our minds. Erps.. something cropped up and the idea was temporarily shelved.
(5) The nicest thing is : I feel that they have indeed grown to become more mature and fine
Posted by
9:20 AM
Thursday, September 22, 2005
像人、像神 ...
- - - -
Every encounter shall be an enriching one.
I shall continue to work hard to become a real good man. :)
I understand the road ahead may not necessarily be a smooth one, but it's certainly a bright one.
I shall also remind myself of another saying :
Power! It spurs me on.
Posted by
10:00 PM
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Untimely Injured :(
RT : If we take it more positively, it's not really a bad idea. I mean the instructors are sincere people trying to assist us, the physically unmotivated lot.
Appreciated it. :)
Just that.. erm.. just a comment :
Really too much waiting time there. The session can be so draggy. It can be easily convinced we can achieve the same result by less than half the time spent there.
But.. will I have the discipline to do the training myself? "History" tells me well. Heh...
Just when I have decided to give my best to aim for a pass in two weeks' time, I injured my left arm (again). Pulling my "enlarging" body up becomes.. erm.. heh.. leave it to your imagination. :(
Posted by
11:55 PM
Monday, September 19, 2005
Love In Need. Love In Deed
I mean love in the broadest sense,
not just those between a pair of lovers hor. :)
I seriously think this world could be more beautiful if we have more of it.
Just observe around us, how many self-centred/selfish/wrong/disgusting/insensitive behaviours can we identify?
Plenty, I'm afraid.
I'm not angel. In the worst of mood, I may even feel like "trashing" these people exhibiting such behaviours. Feel only lah.. No action de. I can't possibly execute it. Haha.. I am of such a small built and I just got to "take care" of myself mah. :P
Oh I must also self-reflect that when I singled them out, I may be viewed as rather unforgiving/judgemental by another person observing me. Heh.. I don't care so much also lah.
However, the fact remains that while we may observe/judge (all we can) but at the same time, we are being observed/judged.
I think many of these people need help of some kind.
Their actions are certainly not right / wrong / inappropriate / selfish / insensitive or even disgusting. It needs another person with love to assist them, telling them, guiding them. I am afraid scolding them doesn't help at all (albeit I do feel like "trashing" them sometimes). Most probably, they are in their world too long, got too used to it and cannot possibly tell the wrongs from the rights.
Sometimes, I wonder why bother to care about them, as the evil side of me says, "Let them rot!" mm...
I think my answer is simple enough. I have tasted enough the sweetness of forgiveness, of being guided patiently to see that I'm in the wrong and yet I could possibly correct myself.
Hence, I would rather play by the safe side that there's still hope.
I'm trying to learn to genuinely love.
I admit it is difficult to start with such a difficult target like someone we don't know. I try to start with people around me and (at least) pray for people still at a distance from me. Heh.. easy to say only lah.. I know I'm still so normal, so plain, so distant from my target also..
Nevertheless, I shall try. :)
I would be just as grateful if anyone were to care enough to correct me. Please don't see me in the wrong, keep silence about it, and let me fall. :)
People, let's try. :)
Posted by
10:30 PM
Silly Retainer...
For many people, the word "retainer" might not even cross your mind.
Alright, it's just a piece of plastic and metal that is custom-made for me to help my teeth stay set in their new positions after wearing braces.
I'm not undermining its importance. I need it.
I would like to talk (randomly) about the discomfort associated with it.
(1) My speech is impaired. To understand this, try sucking a (big enough) sweet in your month and talk at the same time. Ok... all dear *little pals had a good laugh.
(2) I was told to wear it 24/7 (possibly for about a year), only to be spared when taking meals.
(3) There is certainly an increase in saliva flow. Yuck! Got to consciously control it lah.. anyhow drool how? Later all the mei mei got the wrong signals.. Haha...
(4) Besides, we know how saliva smells like. This makes taking it out (before meal) and putting it in (after meal) a little messy. Got to 'play' with saliva a bit lah. Don't pretend and tell me your saliva smells great at the later part of the day (albeit you may have brushed thoroughly in the morning). Heh..
(5) Since the retainer retains in the month for so long, it certainly harbours germs, bacteria, plague and maybe food particles. This makes daily maintenance like brushing or even soaking in some kind of mouth wash necessary. Aiyo.. like an ah pek maintaining his denture man. :P
The orthodontist said that with practice, eventually, I won't even notice it's there.
Heh.. certainly one more thing for me to look forward to. :)
Posted by
9:35 PM
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Mid Autumn … (The Season of Harvest)
Wonder why Mid Autumn Festival is such a celebratory occasion?
Mm… we are told it’s supposed to be so, as illustrated in our culture, history, etc.
It is indeed a beautiful occasion. Heh.. I am not going to challenge that. Seeing many people making an effort to come close together as family or close pals, for meal, chat, fun, etc. is plain beautiful. Try going outdoor in the night as well. Look at the moon. It’s awesome.
I try to view it slightly differently...
Long long time ago, in the “agricultural period” where seasons meant a lot to all.
Spring (春)
Seeds are sowed. Awaiting new “birth”, new hope.
Summer (夏)
Growth continues. This is a growing / strengthening phase.
Autumn (秋)
Harvesting is the main task.
Winter (冬)
Living upon the harvest gathered and preparing for the next spring.
I shall just concentrate on the discussion of the season of Autumn (秋).
Imagine we are living in that “agricultural period”..
Autumn is a season of harvesting. We see the rewards / results. Shouldn’t we celebrate? Furthermore, on the 15th day of the August, we have the backing of nature to setup a natural stage for us by providing the brightest moon. Wouldn’t you want to call upon all your family members or close pals to come together and make merry for having a bountiful harvest? It would only be the timeliest and most appropriate thing to do, I think. Haha...
However, in the process of harvesting, it is only natural that only the good are reaped, while the bad will be separated, only to be thrown and burnt. Hence, to ensure a bountiful harvest, we must really work hard during / throughout the spring and summer (and also pray hard that the weather conditions match well), or else a harsh reality awaits.
Now that we have lived pass that “agricultural period”, does this festival loses its significance? Ha.. many people are still celebrating
Let’s put it in perspective.
We like to have a bountiful harvest (in the autumn), but have we ask ourselves what have we done (in the spring and summer) to deserve it?
In the season of harvesting, we only reap what we sow. :)
Have we sow the seeds for the betterment of tomorrows? :)
Posted by
12:50 PM
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Urban Beggar?
I parked my car and just got out of it and locked it.
A person nearby looked at me, greeted me and said, "Wa, long time no see. You are driving a car now ah?" Erm.. I searched my memory and I just don't recall that face ever crossed my path.
I returned a friendly smile and walked away.
When I was walking off, the person called for me (not by name, but by "Hello, Siao Di"). I thought I had left something behind and I responded to the call rather naturally.
Wa.. the person said, "Can blunjah aunty dinner not. See (she showed me her empty wallet), aunty really got no more cash liao."
Wait a minute. Aunty? All the while I thought I was talking to a man. The person has a composition of unkept short hair, loose collar tee, short pants, squarish face.. .
Mm.. I scanned for clue. Got the hint that the person could really be an aunty by lowering my concentration level to about the person's chest level :P
Under the broad day light and he.. mm.. ok she was asking (begging?) for money. Oh, it was noted that her wallet was indeed empty, but she was at the same time holding on to a can of soft drink on her right hand. Plus, plus.. she looked "able-bodied".
Every sense of me told me that she should be working for it (her dinner or whatever).
Yet, I gave in to her request. I passed her $2 (maybe just to get her away, or else she might create a scene of some kind).
She even asked if I could give her $4.
I felt a little disgusted. Maybe this word is a little too strong. But.. but..
Haiz.. I told her I had no enough cash and I turned to walk off. She walked off too. I don't remember her saying any word of thanks, not that I'm expected it anyway. It was her almost nonchalant way of asking and taking that was a little disturbing.
She needs help of some kind.
I wasn't helping her.
Posted by
2:00 PM
Friday, September 16, 2005
Famous Tao Sa Piah
Just take a look :
The banner says it so!
And truly, around this time, the queue at the stall is almost never ending.
I thought of going earlier (say 3pm) to beat the after-office-hour crowd. I expect more people to rush down there after work to make the almost last minute purchase.
Guess what? I lost to the aunties/housewives lah..
When I reached at around 3:30pm, the queue was already there.
I waited and waited and finally I was number 2 in the queue. Erps.. no more stock and there was a pause in sales while the baking was still on-going. I was quite sure, when the next tray came in, I would be able to take my share. No leh.. I was wrong. Not too long after, indeed a new tray came in. The person just in front of me asked for 50 and that practically swapped up everything in that tray and I have to continue to wait for the next new tray to come in. Argg.. But when my turns came, I also asked for 50. :P
(not as retaliation hor.. I was getting for family and friends.. )
Anyway, I was sure I had heard the aunties at my back were making some comments. Somewhat like "哎哟,没有我们的份咯".
People are so willing to queue for the freshly baked (not just famous ok) Tao Sa Piah. I observed that once a big tray of Tao Sa Piahs was dished out of the oven, its content will be swapped up / packed / sold in less than 2 minutes. Impressive! Wa.. I’m trying to imagine the profit rolling into their pockets.
Before I left the store at around 4:30pm, I noticed the queue was as long (if not longer) than when I first joined the queue. Mm..
Queuing can be boring. Only the thought that I was getting something for family and friends made the experience more bearable or even worthwhile. Haha..
Posted by
11:45 PM
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Writing About Writing
I think about many things and try to read as much.
To put them in words.. *ahem.. that’s just not so easy for me.
However, ever since I try to write something to keep this blog slightly more alive, I begin to notice...
(1) I become slightly more observant of the things happening around me. (Maybe I am trying to pick up a reasonable topic to write about.)
(2) I begin to try to define my thoughts and feelings more precisely. (Maybe I am trying to express them in words later in the actual post.)
(3) When an event crops up, I am actually mentally figuring out how I would want to write/express it, that is, as if I am really going to post an entry about it later. (Maybe this is where if I were to have a PDA, it would be rather nice. Haha.. )
My aim is to put down on paper what I see and what I feel in the best and simplest way.
~ ~ Ernest Hemingway
I quite like what Ernest Hemingway said. However, I think this can only be achieved by a rather accomplished writer. I am just far from it.
Heh.. frankly, I am even bored by my own writing.
Nevertheless, I shall still try to write some lines (if time allows). That is the only way to improve, I think.
Of course, if there are any 高手 who are kind enough to give me a tip or two, you are certainly welcomed. :)
- - -
Anyway, I was a little surprised to learn how an almost seasoned blogger/writer managed to find his way here and actually left a trace (comment) on one of my earlier post ( today. Haha…
Posted by
9:30 PM
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
RT Gathering..
RT = Remedial Training.
This is quite an army standard abbreviation.
As a reservist, if we fail IPPT (even after nth attempt), we have to enrole ourselves in this RT programme.
Okay, I'm in for this programme (by default). Put it in a more straight forward fashion, I'm just super lousy in my physical fitness. Heh..
I was thinking to myself, some years back. What would it be like if the PTIs involved were to be my ex *little pal(s)? Today this becomes a "half-reality". Haha.. one of the PTIs was from where I work. He wasn't tutored by me but we know of each other existence. Aiyo.. a little bit paiseh man.
He was rather surprised that I recognised him and actually called him by his name. He remember only 'consulted' me once. Haha.. my memory not too bad right? :P
I remember him being a very shy young man and not doing very well academically. He was that kind of super guai student who will do everything in his best capacity, yet his grades were.. erm... really bad. At one point, almost all his teachers (together with those in powers) were discussing /debating whether to promote him or to superannuate him. That's why I remember him, although our contact was really very brief.
Today, I saw a different him.
"Gentlemen, I am SGT Oh P. C. I will be your instructor for the next one or two months. I am here to help you pass...."
"Gentlemen, I know you are very tired. You must know I am also doing with you. If you do 50 , I am doing 100...."
He was talking steadily, while addressing to hundreds of us.
He was beaming with confidence. Lovely.
Sincerely hope he will do well in future.
Towards the end of the training... that was where a little "fun" began.
I saw one ex *little pal (JRM) with some of his friends there. He is a soldier there. Just glad to meet him and naturally I walked towards him and playfully poke his side tummy. He jumped. Haha.. he saw me and was obviously as glad. He stood there, turned around to face me and gave me a playful salute, smiling wildly all at the same time. He saw the tag I was wearing and said, "Huh, you in RT ah?" So loudly somemore. OMG. It drew more attention towards me. Many more soldiers were then looking over.
I walked away lah.. got more training mah..
Then I heard a different voice calling me. I turned back to search for the source. Wa.. I was greeted by another ex *little pal (K.S.). He was waving at me. He was forming up in a parade square wearing civilian clothing waiting to book out. He saw the colourful tag I was wearing and blurted out, "Huh, you in RT ah?" Plus, he literally smack his forehead and was smiling (or was it laughing?). I waved back, smacking my forehead also lah. Many of those young soldiers forming up together with him was also looking over and smiling too. Aiyoweiah.. a bit malu.
Anyway, I find it rather funny also.
Also to mention, I bummed into a friend, JQ. He was already in RT phase 2.
Towards the end, while I was in the changing room, I noticed another fellow colleague was there. He was also in phase 2.
Indeed quite a gathering. Right? Haha..
- - - -
才几个小时的锻炼,我就 ...
Posted by
11:30 PM
Monday, September 12, 2005
I Think I Have Done Something “Evil”..
Got into the habit of writing quite a bit lately.
This leads me to write a two-page letter of complain regarding "UNSATISFACTORY EXPERIENCES WITH X-BANK".
X-Bank has this agent/staff (G.Lee). I don’t even know him well. Something went not too right with his administration of my loan. Reminders after reminders were sent to him to rectify the problem, I only got “standard” and “politically correct” replies from him, that mounts to nothingness. I even told him, if there’s a need for me to write in to formally request, I could. Yet.. yet.. he maintained his style. Hence, I acted.
Okay, I managed to get back what are supposed to be mine. That works out to be a sum of approximately $225. Not really a very hefty amount, but it has to be accounted for, I think.
However, now I don’t feel particularly good. I am a little worried for him (G.Lee) all of a sudden. The manager-of-sort thanked me for writing in and added, “if not we don’t even know such a situation had happened ... ... he should ... ... .” That compounded my concern.
I may have started with the aim of getting what should be mine. I may have forgotten to ask a second opinion to check the tone of my writing. I must have been a little too harsh.
I can’t really deny that G.Lee was being inefficient and I did gave him plenty opportunities to rectify. Yet, is complaining the best way to resolve the situation? Heh.. I feel so “Singaporean” suddenly. I believe there are better ways, aren’t there?
Erm.. I would be a little shy if I were to bum into G.Lee in future. There is a little sense of guilt, as if an “evil” deed had been done.
Posted by
11:30 PM
Sunday, September 11, 2005
“静悄悄” = “不可以出席”吗?
- 对方有心事,而我又关心不到 ( 这是我的不足 )
- 对方确实有不便之处 ( 不好意思、我当谅解 )
- 我关心得不妥当 ( 真对不起、一定让对方好不自在 )
Posted by
1:00 AM
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Saturday Morning ...
I was looking at the mirror, was preparing to smile and mentally expecting to see my newly-nicely-aligned set of teeth greeting me.
I was astonished to see them shifted very badly. Argg… Why??!! Why??!! Why??!!
I felt bad! I was staring blankly at my set of teeth, staying so expressionless for quite a while. I must have looked so pale. Did I cry? Mm.. I don’t think so.
Some thoughts raced through my mind :
- More than $4000 down the drain?!
- I thought I was (or rather my teeth was) “liberated”?!
- How much more time will be needed to rectify that damage?!
- Should I go through it all over again?!
- What the heck! Nobody notice or bother anyway!
It was just a dream lah..
Aiyo.. just realized my "nightmare” has taken a new “dimension” :P
Posted by
11:10 AM
Friday, September 09, 2005
September Holiday..
Time flies. The September Holiday is coming to an end pretty soon.
Throughout the week, I 'soaked' myself in the college for *little pals' consultation, one after another, from morn till dusk. Heh.. no joke, skipped lunch a few times also. Ha.. no worries, always managed to replenish well during dinner (at times, with a (some) good pal(s)). :)
I was repeating more or less the same thing over and over again to different *little pals during these consultations. Mm.. tired yes, but not boring at all. While what I said can be predictable (as the answers to the questions have to be consistent), how the different *little pals had reacted were rather refreshing. Heh..
I also learnt I am the subject of various blogs maintained by these current *little pals. Haha.. finds it rather funny and a little heart-warming. A little consolation is that I think they must have gotten used to me pretty well to have "me" occupying a little private space in their blogs.
{ *shy to link you all there :P }
It's always good to inject light humour in these sessions. I am not particularly good at it, but I still will try. Ha.. these *little pals will play along naturally and these sessions can be more interesting while learning.
Some random funny moments, I can recall now :
- "No wonder you are not married, you don't find time for dating also. Don't worry, I can be your date." (erm... I got to siam.. act blur.. knowing it's a joke, of course)
- A *little pal has a big round badge attached to his pencil case with the word "I admire gays.." I was a little stunned when another *little pal drew my attention to it. I read it more carefully. The exact wordings are "I admire gays as they left more women for me." Hahaha.. I have nothing against gays or lesbians. They are still as respectable an individual as can be, with a slightly different orientation.
- Are you married? .. Oh may I introduce my secondary school teacher to you? (erm... that's their way of distracting me.. heh.. )
- Many instances of *little pals trying to "show off" what they have done or accomplished but only to find they have done it quite wrongly. Their expression were so confused and funny. They were expecting some praises, but erm.. haha.. still praised them for their effort lah. :P
I did not accomplish much of what I first set out to do in this holiday. The task-list planned prior to the holiday was rather long. The planned tasks were gradually replaced by consultation and consultation. Ha.. so all my time was spent for these *little pals. Mm.. hope they will be doing well, eventually.
I hope I can do more and better..
(not just to these *little pals, but to all people around me... )
(not only assisting others in academic areas, but in general well-being of an individual... )
Inevitably, there are a few who still slipped out of "the net".
Ha.. count that as my limitations.
Posted by
9:15 PM
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Where's My Braces?
Where's my braces??
It's gone for good. Yahoo...
What a 1-year-9-month-wait? Erps.. not to mention the $4170-deal. :P
What I naturally and gladly "endured" through :
1) "Hey, you know your age not? Still go put braces?" (The first person asking knows best. She is as old/young as me.)
2) "Ask you ah, why you go put braces? Is it due to vanity reasons?" (The first person asking, later also went to put. Did I inspire him? :P )
3) "Hey, I didn't notice your set of teeth is not well-aligned." (Even from friends of many years. Aiyo, making me feel "why-the-need-to-spend" and have to endure the pain some more. Haha.. )
4) Can't bite anything too hard. The gum region can be really sore. That was really a period of "吃软饭". That was also the period when I mastered the art of swallowing when the hurting is real bad.
5) Can't smile too much immediately after meal, unless you want to appear like a monster-of-sort. I needed a thorough rinse of the mouth first. But, no matter how hard I rinsed, I just cannot guarantee that the oral cavity was cleared of foreign objects. The best way was still to do a quick check in a mirror. So 麻烦 .
6) I acquired a habit of always bringing some tooth-picks with me, and got to leave a set of tooth-brush and tooth-paste at my work place.
7) Eating long uncut vegetables needs practice. On a few occassions, I had one end of the vegetable stuck on my braces and the other end was half swallowed, koo-chee-ing the far deeper end of my tongue (or was that the upper end of the throat). It could be rather comical.
8) The soreness when the tender skin was rubbed against the metallic structure. It took quite some time to get used to it. Maybe the skin had grown thicker in the process.
9) As the teeth were making their 'journey' to re-align themselves, they may create gaps between them in such process. Saliva could just flow out in the most unappropriate time. Eee.. The problem was, before I can get used to the re-alignment, it changed again. I was caught in a few embarrassing situations. Always have some tissue papers at hand may be a good idea.
10) Ulcer. Oh dear. I once had a pretty large one under the tongue. Besides, it was right beside the sharper metallic end of the braces. Every attempt to move the tongue (i.e. when we want to eat or talk) was so 'electrifying'. OMG. Unimaginable. How did I go through that?
11) The wait to remove the braces for good. The 'promise' as to when it could be taken out changed a few times. Haiz.. can be so disappointing leh. Okay la, it was due to the professionalism/perfection the orthodontist wanted to achieve.
There were also numerous heart-warming moments.
For example, many *little pals or colleagues who had past- or current-experiences of wearing braces automatically came forward and shared their experiences.
At present, I just got to make sure I have the discipline to wear the "retainer" (getting only next week). That will be truly the final phase.
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm now always ready to smile. Just for you? No problem. :)
Posted by
10:25 PM
Counting Blessings...
At time 1600h (approximately) :
*Little pal A : Aren’t you tired? You have been talking since morning till now.
Erm.. of course I was and I took only a few pieces of biscuit for my lunch.
But before I could even try to give a reply…
*Little pal A : But you look like you are enjoying it. Haha..
(she smiled… )
I smiled in return too.. we carried on with our consultation as normal.
Actually, there are enough reasons to pin me down. I was feeling rotten. I was kind of glad that I managed it well enough that I didn’t affect the others around me. Heh..
Just to cite an instance (out of many more… argg.. ), very briefly :
By logic, I must be at B, doing C, with D.
I actually ended up at E, doing F, with G.
But I was hoping to be at H, doing I, with J.
The must-actual-hope just doesn’t align well. That’s stark reality.Life S. . .
(Just a moment...)
I recalled Lin Xiao Di shared with me once...
“After event K , I am telling himself never again to say life sucks.”
I registered that well, pal.
(Lin Xiao Di, think you may be reading this when you are more free. Ya so, Thanks man!)
I should be counting my blessings.
True enough, there are always enough to get me going. :)
I just need a good night sleep to rejuvenate to my “original” self.
Thank you everyone.
Posted by
9:45 PM
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
While Waiting ...
Usually, I will make a special effort to be early (if not punctual) for almost all appointments.
I don't quite like to let people wait for me. The feeling could range from uneasy to paiseh or even to an extend of being angry with myself. Heh..
Strangely, while I say I don't like people to wait for me, I don't mind waiting for others.
In a group outing, even when some others are late, there will still be some early enough for me to talk with. Time is not usually "wasted" in a certain sense.
In an outing for just two, I know when the other person is late, I will be alone. But, I will have enough things to keep myself occupied till he/she arrives.
Maybe, I need personal time for myself. I value that anytime. I could read a book, a magazine, explore some gadgets, just thinking about many things or just thinking about my thinking. Haha..
Time is precious and I still value punctuality at large.
My point is plainly, if the other party/parties are late, there is needless for us to be jumping mad. Haha..
Oh, by the way, try waiting for someone you long to meet. That can be quite a different thing altogether. During the wait, you can even feel a tinge of sweetness, I guess. Hehe..
Posted by
8:30 PM
Monday, September 05, 2005
Favourite *Little Pals
One *little pal contacted me. He boldly identified himself as my favourite *little pal. He didn't even say he is "one of my favourites". He plainly put it as MY favourite. When has he qualified as THE favourite? Haha..
Do I have any "favourites"? Ha... I got to think.
I try to be fair. Yet, it's noticeable that I'm close to .. erm.. not all.
Maybe it's near to impossible to know all that well and to be that close to all, at all.
I shall keep trying, anyway. :)
Then who am I closest to? Who are my "favourites"? I think I have...
I observe that, they are not necessarily
- the brainest,
- the most handsome, or
- the prettiest.
(Oh well, by pure coincidence, many of these are indeed rather smart and/or decent looking. Haha.. must say this ah, in case they chance upon this entry and may accuse me of saying they are dumb and ugly. :P )
Some of these so-called "favourites" are actually
- the most lazy,
- the most talkative,
- the ones I scolded most, or
- the ones that simply click.
(Besides, in certain cases, we may first started off as enemy-of-sort. Haha.. In such cases, I will try even harder to turn the tide around. I don't want their learning journey to be plagued by me. It works in most cases, I am glad to say. From enemy-of-sort to friend-like. Wow! )
All in all, I think the key words may be sincere communication.
Communication allows us to understand each other better. Most importantly, I choose to initiate the first move, most of the time. Communication does not restrict ourselves to just talking and talking. We need to spend time with them, listening to them as well. Heh.. believe me, these *little pals have ideas. :)
Perhaps, fate plays a large part too.
我在想, 一条水沟,若是不通顺的话,那一定臭气熏天。
哈哈。。 在此虽然我有一点乱盖,但“沟通”的重要性确实也体现了出来。:)
The satisfaction comes when I see the many *little brothers or *little sisters that I have made along the way. :)
Posted by
8:10 PM
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Swimming With Contact Lens
When I have a bit of extra time with me, I like to experiment. Ha.. which was what I exaclty just did.
I tried swimming while wearing contact lens this time. Of course, the pair of goggles was wore as well. It worked wonder.
My myopia is kind of serious. Prior to this experience, I was almost-near-blind while I'm in the pool. I don't swim well and I don't really know who exactly I knocked into. Every images around me were so blur.
Swimming to me, has reached another "dimension".
Ok, I still can't swim well. But at least, I know who I have knocked into. :)
Also, I can ascertain, if someone were to tell me that there is a hot babe nearby. :P
Posted by
3:00 PM
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Holidaying.. It’s my life!
Haha.. ~ ~ *crap* ~ ~ !
True enough, it’s school holiday (假期) again (for a week). Yah.. I need a break and all *little pals need a break too. But with the year-end examination drawing near, perhaps, this is also the golden time (佳期) to catch up on their revision. They (great majority of them) need it badly, I think.
A few more months to go. Ha.. I shall walk with them this stressful journey, assisting them with their revision. At times, I also feel I can only do so little. Haiz..
I must also remind myself to do something useful.
This period is certainly not just a holiday (假期) for me, it is also going to be a good time (佳期) for me to do/learn other things as well. Ha.. already thinking of catching up with some old pals (if I'm not too lazy and less passive).
Haha.. would I be able to cope with the many consultations booked already? :P
Posted by
6:30 PM
First Cat's Shots
On my way back home, I saw the cat (that usual cat at my block).
I whipped out my handphone and took a few shots of it.
Haha.. I really appreciate the convenience of having a phone with such function.
However, on closer look, I think I still prefer the general effect of a proper digital camera.
(But again, maybe I have yet to know my handphone well enough to achieve the effects I want.)
In the good spirit of sharing, you all can also see some of my cat's shots.
They are not too nice. Nevertheless I quite like to see the expression on that cat. Heh..
Posted by
12:50 AM
Thursday, September 01, 2005
First Post Via Email
I'm again trying out something new.
This entry is posted through emailing (without accessing to blogspot at all). Cool!
But again, if I can get access to computer for email, then I can get access to blogspot. Right? Right? Then I don't need such fanciful way of posting what. Mm..
However, if my handphone can sent out emails, then apparently I can post entries almost anywhere / everywhere. Hehehe..
Wait a minute, I don't think I want to subscribe that kind of service through Singtel. Don't want to pay la... Besides, it's unlikely the case that I have so many things to write about anyway.
Posted by
9:20 PM
Teachers' Day
Over the years,
I'll receive some form of well-wishes during this day.
I can feel their sincerity and being a rather "soft-guy", hey, I can be so easily touched. Ha.. I may not express it though.
On the receiving end, it feels good, ha.. or even blissful.
However, I am thinking to myself, what have I done to deserve these?
Okay, I admit I wasn't slacking and I am still working pretty hard for them, as I take it as my responsibility to do the work well.
However, I do note that everyone who likes their job gives their best.
But not many jobs have a day specially set aside
- to receive thanks, well-wishes/gifts from thier 'clients'
- to be rewarded with with a day's off (the day before it, is meant for celebration, and so technically speaking there are 2 days' off),
- to indulge yourself, etc.
Really *shy* man..
I really appreciate the bonds built with the *little pals over the years.
Aren't they more like little brothers and sisters?
While they thank me for playing my role, I am also grateful that they (the *little pals) make my life more colourful and with more human-touch too. Ha.. the 'thanking' should be more mutual. :)
Teaching can be a rather interesting profession, where we also learn at the same time. In many occasions, we do learn from our *little pals as well. Haha..
*We shall continue to work well together. :)
Posted by
3:05 PM