Sunday, September 25, 2005

Giving is...

Let's think of the many great people we know. I mean people whom we think are great. Come on, bring them (past and present) to the foreground of our mind.

Ask ourselves : What do they have in common?
The answers may not be unique. My take will be, they all give. Of course, the giving is not restrictive to the materialistic sense. They give their time, guidance, energy, service, care, love, etc. for other beings. Besides, the way they delivered the "giving" must have impressed us immensely. For example,

- They are always that whole-hearted. (真心诚意的)
- They did not request for any form of 'rewards' in return. (无条件、无所要求的)
- They give to the best of their ability. (无限的奉献)

Why am I talking about "giving" when the majority will be more interested in "taking"? Mm..

People want to be happy, hope for a pay-rise, want to strike a lottery, hope for his/her attention, want blah blah blah... hope blah blah blah..
Even if we were to do something good, there seems to be a "hidden agenda". We want him/her to be touched, we hope he/she can reciprocate, we want blah blah blah... we hope blah blah blah..
(None of these are wrong or what-so-ever. I just want to bring out a possible difference between us and the great people out there.)

There's a Chinese saying : 助人为快乐之本
(The chief source of happiness is by helping others.)
This happiness, I believe refers more to the inner peace one experiences. However, I really heard people saying, "Wa lau, to give away money, time and energy to others, still can be happy meh? Given me money,I think I more happy leh."

I recall a Buddhist teaching, telling people, the roots of suffering are greed
(), hatred) and ignorance). These roots of suffering, if not rid of, shall be a great hindrance in attaining higher level of realization. One of the best way to curb greed is through giving (布施), fortunately.

We should learn from the great – to give. 
Not for any special reason(s). We will realize it’s only our nature to give. :)
Ha.. be creative, and remember it’s not restrictive to the materialistic sense. It could be giving in the form of our precious time, energy, service, care, love etc. for other beings. I've just learnt, the giving could also be in the form of a wearing a smile on our face. It’s "infectious" and it may provide an extra lift to anyone near us. :)

Just a simple analogy (I read it somewhere) :


Here it draws a simple comparison with “giving” and “drawing of water from a well”. We note that a well-utilized well with always be refilled with fresh water (naturally), whereas a non-utilized well will have its water turning stale. There will not be a case, whereby the water will over-flow from it even if we refuse to draw the water out for sharing or what-so-ever. Heh..

Giving is _______________ . (真走过才会懂。你们就各自填充吧。)

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